B-Side Kultur e.V.:

Political Education

Political education in free collectives:

Nicht gut genug?!

Together, we are looking for new ways of social discourse and a sense of political responsibility.

Under the title "Nicht gut genug?! - Political education in independent collectives", we are able to organize various workshops and lectures with funding from Soziokultur NRW.

These events were planned and carried out in a participatory process together with various initiatives and groups. The aim is to strengthen political education and critical thinking and to learn from each other.

The Political Education Working Group designs and organizes this participatory process and supervises the workshops and lectures.

Upcoming Workshops






















Further events

Only the events in the "Nicht gut genug?!" workshop series are listed here.

Why not take a look at the event overview instead? There you will find all the events and dates taking place at our company.

Go to further events